Laut seiner Aussage hätten die französischen EA Mitarbeiter eine ältere Version der Patch Notes für die Übersetzung erhalten und zu deren Erscheinen war auch der Patch noch für den 21.05 geplant.
Dem ist aber wohl nicht mehr so, Apoc sagt weiter, daß EALA im Moment 'später im Monat' als Ziel anpeilt und sie dafür gut im Zeitplan liegen:
Hey guys,
The patch notes posted from EA France include a pre-planned release date that is not our current target. We are ammending the Read-Me to the date that the patch actually releases on and it is not May 21st.
EA France has an older version because we translate our patch notes by sending them to their respect territories. So, they need the new version which is just slightly ammended with a new date.
That said, we're still holding strong on our intent for "later this month" and we are on track. But we have not committed to any specific release date yet to you guys until we are very confident.
I know a thing or two about saying a date and then not hitting it smile.gif, and we're not going to do that to you guys.
So apologies for that confusion, but i'll keep you guys posted on the exact date. Like I said, "later this month" is still looking good.
Until you hear it from me or an official news story, everything else is just speculation.
The patch notes posted from EA France include a pre-planned release date that is not our current target. We are ammending the Read-Me to the date that the patch actually releases on and it is not May 21st.
EA France has an older version because we translate our patch notes by sending them to their respect territories. So, they need the new version which is just slightly ammended with a new date.
That said, we're still holding strong on our intent for "later this month" and we are on track. But we have not committed to any specific release date yet to you guys until we are very confident.
I know a thing or two about saying a date and then not hitting it smile.gif, and we're not going to do that to you guys.
So apologies for that confusion, but i'll keep you guys posted on the exact date. Like I said, "later this month" is still looking good.
Until you hear it from me or an official news story, everything else is just speculation.
War doch annähernd abzusehen
also 28.+