''Hey guys,
I have some patch 1.07 clarification for you from Gavin Simon, one of our new lead Balance Designers who is assisting lead Balance Designer Greg Black. Gavin also was the main lead on our AI but is a seasoned player, probably our best player on team, is always listening and watching the community and knows his stuff when it comes to balance.
He will be the main conduit in making balance changes for patch 1.08 and further. He also helped on 1.07.
The following should help clarify some questions and misunderstandings.''
I have some patch 1.07 clarification for you from Gavin Simon, one of our new lead Balance Designers who is assisting lead Balance Designer Greg Black. Gavin also was the main lead on our AI but is a seasoned player, probably our best player on team, is always listening and watching the community and knows his stuff when it comes to balance.
He will be the main conduit in making balance changes for patch 1.08 and further. He also helped on 1.07.
The following should help clarify some questions and misunderstandings.''
Hi everyone, a few clarifications about the patch notes:
The larger scatter radius on the Pitbull Mortar means it will often miss its target and the mortar shell will land somewhere in the vicinity. It did not receive a splash radius buff.
The cost of the Mortar upgrade has also been increased to 2000 from 1000.
The way the 8 second delay on the Mothership works is as follows: The Mothership is summoned immediately but takes 8 seconds to “phase in” during which time it can be attacked but cannot be given any commands. This should make summoning a Mothership in someone’s base more dangerous and give the defending player time to react.
The ability to build Superweapons was also removed from the Crane. This was also intended to help reduce Tier3 defense spam slightly since if you want to build a Superweapon you cannot also be building a Tier3 defense assuming only one MCV.
Other issues such as the Scrin Swarm power, the Nod Stealth Tank, Nod Avatar, artillery range, and economy pacing are all items we are aware of and are top priorities for 1.08 but this patch was kept small intentionally. Additionally, the economy boost Nod is getting from its Harvester fix gives them an across-the- board buff that we want to see the effect of before buffing several of their other units.
Gavin Simon
Balance Designer and AI Engineer
In Kurzübersetzung:
- Die größere Verteilungsradius des Pitbull Mortar Upgrades bedeutet, daß das Ziel öfter verfehlt wird und das Geschoss dann irgendwo in der Nähe aufschlägt. Allerdings wurde der Umgebungsschaden nicht erhöht.
- Die Kosten des Upgrades wurden von 1000 auf 2000 Credits erhöht.
- So funktioniert die Verschiebung von 8 Sekunden beim Mutterschiff: Das Mutterschiff wird zwar sofort gerufen, benötigt aber 8 Sekunden um 'hereinzukommen'. In dieser Zeit kann es angegriffen werden, nimmt aber selbst keine Befehle entgegen. Dies macht es schwieriger ein Mutterschiff in eine gegnerische Basis zu beordern und gibt dem Verteidiger mehr Zeit zu reagieren.
- Auch die Möglichkeit Superwaffen durch den Kran errichten zu lassen wurde entfernt. Dies geschah um den 'Stufe3' Verteidigungsspam etwas zu reduzieren da man nun, wenn man eine Superwaffe baut, keine Verteidigungseinrichtungen errichten kann (vorausgesetzt man verfügt nur über einen Bauhof).
- Wir wissen über Dinge wie den Scrin Schwarm, Nod Tarnpanzer, Nod Avatar, die Artillerie Reichweite und die Wirtschaftsprobleme bescheid. Dies ist im Fokus unserer Priorität für Patch 1.08 aber wir haben 1.07 bewusst klein gehalten. Außerdem wollen wir zunächst sehen wie sich der generelle Schub für Nod auswirkt, den wir durch die Sammleränderungen in 1.07 einführen, bevor wir einzelne Nod Einheiten stärken.
Zuvor wurde schon das Patchlog veröffentlicht:
Hey everyone,
As promised, here are the balance changes we are doing for the upcoming patch 1.07. We are not commiting to a specific date yet, however, as soon as I know the time frame, i'll let you guys know. Knowing that we can have setbacks for many reasons, just know that we are trying to accomplish this as fast as possible with respect to our QA resources.
Also, these changes are critical changes and of course are subjective in opinion to what you may agree or disagaree with. We know an economy change for the Harvester should be in order, but that will have to wait until patch 1.08. The current changes to the Harvester should be a good half-step, especially combined with the others.
These changes were created from the top most requested balance changes across the community and in talking with many folks. As well as designer and balance opinions here based on what we've seen and know.
Please remember with our next few patches, we're not aiming to do huge changes across all the factions, but really focus in on the most critical singular changes that we can do to fine-tune the game balance. I mentioned that we're aiming to do anywhere from 5-15 balance changes per patch instead of 20,30,40 which is huge and makes our patch process a lot longer. Better to get the most important stuff first.
These are just the balance changes for 1.07. We are doing some critical bug changes and cheat protection as noted before, but I think everyone cares more about balance until release.
The Mothership change and Pitbull changes are essentially a first-stab. If this works, then awesome, but we recognize that those values may need to be tuned. That is why we balance patch, right )?
Alright, time to argue or maybe surprisingly we'll get some positive comments.
Mothership (Speed 15% faster and now takes 8 seconds to deploy onto the signal transmitter after being cast, explosion chain reaction now has a 50% longer delay)
Pitbulls (Health reduced by 15%, mortar upgrade now has a large scatter radius)
Buzzer Hive selling (Sell now only gives 1 buzzer (from 3) when sold)
Harvesters drop off their load more intelligently after finishing a Tib Field.
NOD Harvesters have speed increased to match gathering rate of other faction Harvesters
Defense Structure change (can only be built on construction yard queues) (meant to stop defensive structure crawling and OP)
Thanks APOC
As promised, here are the balance changes we are doing for the upcoming patch 1.07. We are not commiting to a specific date yet, however, as soon as I know the time frame, i'll let you guys know. Knowing that we can have setbacks for many reasons, just know that we are trying to accomplish this as fast as possible with respect to our QA resources.
Also, these changes are critical changes and of course are subjective in opinion to what you may agree or disagaree with. We know an economy change for the Harvester should be in order, but that will have to wait until patch 1.08. The current changes to the Harvester should be a good half-step, especially combined with the others.
These changes were created from the top most requested balance changes across the community and in talking with many folks. As well as designer and balance opinions here based on what we've seen and know.
Please remember with our next few patches, we're not aiming to do huge changes across all the factions, but really focus in on the most critical singular changes that we can do to fine-tune the game balance. I mentioned that we're aiming to do anywhere from 5-15 balance changes per patch instead of 20,30,40 which is huge and makes our patch process a lot longer. Better to get the most important stuff first.
These are just the balance changes for 1.07. We are doing some critical bug changes and cheat protection as noted before, but I think everyone cares more about balance until release.
The Mothership change and Pitbull changes are essentially a first-stab. If this works, then awesome, but we recognize that those values may need to be tuned. That is why we balance patch, right )?
Alright, time to argue or maybe surprisingly we'll get some positive comments.
Mothership (Speed 15% faster and now takes 8 seconds to deploy onto the signal transmitter after being cast, explosion chain reaction now has a 50% longer delay)
Pitbulls (Health reduced by 15%, mortar upgrade now has a large scatter radius)
Buzzer Hive selling (Sell now only gives 1 buzzer (from 3) when sold)
Harvesters drop off their load more intelligently after finishing a Tib Field.
NOD Harvesters have speed increased to match gathering rate of other faction Harvesters
Defense Structure change (can only be built on construction yard queues) (meant to stop defensive structure crawling and OP)
Thanks APOC
Eine Stichpunktartige Übersetzung der Balanceänderungen findet ihr auf dem United Forum
Link zum aktuellen Posting von Apoc bzw Gavin:
Die Kosten des Mörserupgrades wurden ebenso angehoben auf 2000 von 1000.