Gestern bereits kündigte Apoc an man solle die offizielle Command & Conquer Site im Auge behalten, es würde dort etwas geben.
Heute ist die Katze aus dem Sack:
Thanks largely to the efforts of our loyal fans whom continue to sustain and grow the Command & Conquer community, Command & Conquer has become a legendary franchise and it’s time to celebrate its birth once again.
In order to give back to the fans for over 12 years of devotion we are putting together a 12th Anniversary celebration during the month of September. However, as any Command & Conquer fan knows, the true party starts today, August 31st, which marks 12 years since Command & Conquer Gold launched way back in 1995.
To kick the celebration off, today we have a special surprise which we are certain new and old Command & Conquer fans will enjoy. We are providing the original Command & Conquer Gold as a free download, compatible for Windows XP! This is the same version included with the collectors pack Command & Conquer: The First Decade, and is now available for you to download for free!
In order to give back to the fans for over 12 years of devotion we are putting together a 12th Anniversary celebration during the month of September. However, as any Command & Conquer fan knows, the true party starts today, August 31st, which marks 12 years since Command & Conquer Gold launched way back in 1995.
To kick the celebration off, today we have a special surprise which we are certain new and old Command & Conquer fans will enjoy. We are providing the original Command & Conquer Gold as a free download, compatible for Windows XP! This is the same version included with the collectors pack Command & Conquer: The First Decade, and is now available for you to download for free!
Ja, richtig: EALA bietet das komplette Command & Conquer: Tiberium Dawn (Gold Edition) auf 2 Iso Images an, es handelt sich dabei um die gleiche Version die auch auf der Compilation The First Decade (Deutsche Ausgabe: Die ersten 10 Jahre) enthalten ist - sie ist also unter XP lauffähig.
Saugen könnt ihr die originale US Version (ihr habt nur die deutsche Ausgabe von 'Die ersten 10 Jahre'?) hier:
Command & Conquer Gold GDI Iso
Command & Conquer Gold Nod Iso
Um diese CDs unter XP zum Laufen zu bekommen, müsst ihr allerdings ein paar Hinweise beachten, EALA stellt dazu eine Anleitung bereit:
We are providing the ISO image of C&C GOLD for both the GDI and Nod discs. In order for C&C GOLD to run on Windows XP, you will need to burn the ISO image onto a CD with a CD Burner and any "CD Burning Software" such as Nero, Alcohol, etc. There are also a few extra steps in order to make C&C GOLD run on Windows XP after you burn it to CD. Please click the link below for the exact instructions after you download both files!
We are providing the ISO image of C&C GOLD for both the GDI and Nod discs. In order for C&C GOLD to run on Windows XP, you will need to burn the ISO image onto a CD with a CD Burner and any "CD Burning Software" such as Nero, Alcohol, etc. There are also a few extra steps in order to make C&C GOLD run on Windows XP after you burn it to CD. Please click the link below for the exact instructions after you download both files!
last but not least: Die Specials auf der offiziellen Site werden, so scheint es geplant, während des gesamten Septembers fortgesetzt werden, es scheint, als würden uns noch mehr positive Überraschungen erwarten....
auf http://gameswelt.de/pc/downloads/freeshareware/detail.php?item_id=68050 kann man sich die Version auch downloaden!