Lately with all the warez going on in the gaming community, many
people are using false cd-keys that have been stolen by the
fellow warezers. We have detected that you`re cd-key is being
used by more than 2 people at the same time. Please verify that
you own your copy of C&C: Renegade by sending us your cd-key and
a copy of the receipt that you used to buy your copy of C&C:
Renegade with, so that we can verify that you are a valid ownder
of Renegade. Thanks, and sorry for the problems.
Die Absenderadresse lautet westwoodsupport@mail.com - ein klarer Fake.
Kommt also nicht auf die Idee eure Serial dahin zu schicken!
Kommentar von :ORenejan:O.
Kommentar von ;-(.
Kommentar von Commander87.
Sich freun das einer so blöd war? :D
Kommentar von SlimLCA.
Kommentar von Commander87.
Darum ist es gut wenn man gewarnt wird!
Kommentar von nodskin.
(!)(!)(!)No Key send(!)(!)(!)