Community-Event by

Offizielle RA2 Foren (US) schliessen

Sven • Thu 25 im Jul, 2002[20:38 GMT]
Alarmstufe Rot 2
Jepp, am 26.07. - also morgen - werden die offiziellen RA2 Foren geschlossen, die User werden an die RADEN Foren weiterverwiesen. Hier der Originaltext von Delphi
Hi there,

Well the time has come to move our fans from the current RA2 boards to a larger server. Over the past two years the current message board system has been a great resource for both the developers and community to get together, meet, and discuss everything about Red Alert 2. The boards were also extremely valuable in supplying us with fan feedback on patches and future products currently in development.

Beginning on Friday July 26th we will be directing fans over to the RADEN forums. They are well monitored and provide an even larger arena to discuss RA2 and many other RTS games. We`ll be watching the boards there and responding to posts from time to time.

Thanks for your support guys!


Online Community Manager
Command & Conquer
Westwood Studios

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auf diesen Kommentar antworten

Kommentar von kiffi31.

von admin, Thursday 19 im December, 2002[15:30:23 GMT]
auf diesen Kommentar antworten

Kommentar von Chriss.

von admin, Friday 26 im July, 2002[18:36:40 GMT]
Schon :D:D
auf diesen Kommentar antworten

Kommentar von NickParker.

von admin, Friday 26 im July, 2002[13:08:17 GMT]
auf diesen Kommentar antworten

Kommentar von gersultan.

von admin, Friday 26 im July, 2002[11:45:16 GMT]
"Members: 246, Threads: 659, Posts: 15,133" niedliches kleines Board :D
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