Nun ist er sicher nicht immer ernstzunehmen:
2. Where are you currently working?
I have a very demanding and important job with an international culinary franchise. Frequently, customers will forget to order fries and it`s my job to gently remind them by saying: "would you like fries with that?" or "how about some fries to go along with that?" or "do you realize that you`ve completely forgotten to order fries?" It`s very rewarding and I can`t believe that I spent the last eight years of my life working in an industry that didn`t hardly involve fries at all.
3. What do you do in your free time?
I am a USHGA-rated P3 paraglider pilot and outdoor enthusiast (hiking, camping, fishing) and so I spend most of my free time watching television.
4. What are your hobbies?
I collect antiques, walking sticks and antique walking sticks. I try to eat as much chocolate as possible
Tja, er wird aber auch deutlicher:
10. Do you confirm rumors about your leaving Westwood Studios when EA
disbanded it ? And how long did you work for Westwood ?
Yes, I confirm those rumors. I confirm those rumors as often as possible. Westwood laid me off on March 19, 2002 about a year before the studio was disbanded. It was not the sort of birthday gift I had expected; at the time of my dismissal I had worked for Westwood for a little more than 8 years.
14. Do you still work on C&C series - now with EA ?
No, as of now EA has not asked me to be involved in the continuation of the C&C series. This is strange because I`ve made it absolutely clear that I`d be willing to work for free.
Ich les vor allem aus dem letzten Absatz: Wenn es ein TT gibt - dann ohne Kane, zumindest nicht als Schauspieler.
Das komplette Interview gibt es hier
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Kommentar von Admiral.
Kommentar von Electronic Arts.
Auch wenn ihr alle flammt "Ich kaufe keine Spiele mehr von EA" "EA kann sich die Spiele in denn Arsch stecken" ihr kauft sie alle immer wieder, in der hoffnung diesmal sei es besser.;)
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Kommentar von Chriss.
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Kommentar von Junker.
Da sitzen sicher Leute an den Schreibtischen, die grad ihr Studium beendet haben, von C&C bislang enttäuscht gewesen sind und damals nur Starcraft und Warcraft gezockt haben. Nun haben sie nen Job gefunden bei EA und sollen grad C&C managen...
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