Sinngemäß heißt es in seinem Posting, dass der Server, der für Patch-Revisionen verantwortlich ist, ausgefallen sei und das EA-Supportteam nicht im Stande gewesen sei, dass Problem ohne die Hilfe der Entwickler zu beheben, die am Wochenende größtenteils nicht sofort verfügbar gewesen wären, wodurch es zu der Verzögerung gekommen sei.
Man habe aus den Fehlern gelernt und entschuldigt sich für die Unannehmlichkeiten.
Zitat von APOC im offiziellen Forum:
Hey everyone,
Yesterday late morning we had a very unfortunate outage that required our development team and EA tech assistance to fix together. Admittetedly a Sunday is likely the worst possible day for such an outage to occur when most of us are away from the office or off e- mail.
That said, the problem that was occurring had to do with patch text server being temporarily inaccessible. Our RTS games rely on a number of servers, one of which has to do with the correct patch revision number for all titles. NO, that does not mean a new patch is available, it just has to do with the overall back-end process that you never see when you connect online :o)
I wanted to give a brief technical explanation for those interested. We fixed this immedietly this morning and will ensure that in the event of an emergency such as this, we are on standby. Most often our 24/7 tech support is able to handle a server issue withour assistance, that was not the case this time. Our EA tech service was monitoring the situation as expected, it just took some added help from us to close the issue.
Sincere apologies for the server breakdown, lesson learned, and we will make sure this does not happen again for an extended period of time. Sorry about this guys.
Lets get back online and start playing!
I will look for a way to make up for this, and maybe that is as simple as releasing the patch 1.05 balance notes earlier than I had planned. I'll keep you posted, just need to make sure it coincides with some other happenings this week.
Thanks for your understanding and lets get our forums back to normal,
Hey everyone,
Yesterday late morning we had a very unfortunate outage that required our development team and EA tech assistance to fix together. Admittetedly a Sunday is likely the worst possible day for such an outage to occur when most of us are away from the office or off e- mail.
That said, the problem that was occurring had to do with patch text server being temporarily inaccessible. Our RTS games rely on a number of servers, one of which has to do with the correct patch revision number for all titles. NO, that does not mean a new patch is available, it just has to do with the overall back-end process that you never see when you connect online :o)
I wanted to give a brief technical explanation for those interested. We fixed this immedietly this morning and will ensure that in the event of an emergency such as this, we are on standby. Most often our 24/7 tech support is able to handle a server issue withour assistance, that was not the case this time. Our EA tech service was monitoring the situation as expected, it just took some added help from us to close the issue.
Sincere apologies for the server breakdown, lesson learned, and we will make sure this does not happen again for an extended period of time. Sorry about this guys.
Lets get back online and start playing!
I will look for a way to make up for this, and maybe that is as simple as releasing the patch 1.05 balance notes earlier than I had planned. I'll keep you posted, just need to make sure it coincides with some other happenings this week.
Thanks for your understanding and lets get our forums back to normal,