The patch is not coming today, will keep you posted.
Etwas früher schreibt er noch, daß der Patch letzte Woche erst spät zu den CQC/ECG Tests ging:
Guys, settle down, chill, relax, "wooosa" (know what movie that is from?!)...
We went in to CQC/ECG late last week, its in the final approval testing process right now.
Everything is on rails still, i'll keep you guys posted.
I think Producer Greg changed his avatar however to reflect the delay in to this week :o)
Right Greg?
We went in to CQC/ECG late last week, its in the final approval testing process right now.
Everything is on rails still, i'll keep you guys posted.
I think Producer Greg changed his avatar however to reflect the delay in to this week :o)
Right Greg?
Schauen wir mal wann er denn nu wirklich released wird...
den endlich mal kommt!
Ach und das die Ladder Resetet wird find ich das ALLERLETZTE!!!