Hey everyone,
So, i'll cut to the point here. We've discussed for a while about handing down bans and suspensions against cheaters and vehement disconnectors and also those spamming chat and forums and so forth. We've been keeping tabs on a lot of accounts and finally have a process to take strict action against those we catch.
So, i'll cut to the point here. We've discussed for a while about handing down bans and suspensions against cheaters and vehement disconnectors and also those spamming chat and forums and so forth. We've been keeping tabs on a lot of accounts and finally have a process to take strict action against those we catch.
I'm happy to announce that today we handed down over 60 bans and suspensions on C&C 3 player accounts. All of these accounts have their ladder stats reset, most of these accounts have their sub-accounts banned (which means they can still create a new name but not use one of their original), and a small segment of accounts were completely serial key banned.
We will not tolerate cheaters and disconnectors and we are keeping a very close eye. Between the forum moderators, some great volunteer help at GameReplays.org, and our back-end tools, we have plenty of firepower and evidence to take such action.
In most cases we will issue a warning to the user and reset stats, and if they are warned again, stricter action will be taken such as a sub-account ban and further serial key ban if necessary.
I strongly encourage you NOT to disconnect or cheat, such actions can get your account fully deactivated and a 1st warning will also mean an automatic DQ from our upcoming ladder season.
Its not worth it and we will be taking weekly action as we are starting with what I think is a big message today.
p.s. - I think its fairly obvious to know some of the players who have been warned or banned, but in respect of privacy, I will not post a full list. I can't promise to answer on everyone who is on our list today, but I'll do my best to share a few notables if asked.
- 60 Spieler wurden resettet - ihre Personas gesperrt (in den meisten Fällen auch ihre anderen Subpersonas) und ein kleiner Teil hat einen kompletten Account (Serial) Ban erhalten
- Nochmaliger Hinweis auf die Zusammenarbeit mit Gamereplays
- In den meisten Fällen wird zuerst eine Warnung kommen per stats reset - bei Wiederholungstätern geht es dann bis zum Serial Ban
- Die erste Warnung bedeutet auch automatisch, dass man von der ersten Ladder Saison disqualifiziert ist.
- Sie werden diese Bans jetzt wöchentlich verteilen
- Es wird keine vollständige Liste veröffentlicht, wer gebannt wurde - aber er versucht in den nächsten Tagen die schlimmsten zu nennen.
Vielen dank an Mooff aus dem UF für den kleinen übersetzten Auszug.