Es handelt sich um eine ca. 500MB große Stand Alone Version (Renegade wird nicht benötigt). Ob es zur gleichen Zeit auch schon einen FDS (Free Deicated Server) geben wird ist noch unklar, in jedem Fall wird der Developers Server zur Verfügung stehen. Zum Connecten auf diesen Server wird in der Beta ein kleines Tool enthalten sein.
Zudem kann man, so man ein originales Renegade installiert hat, auch kleinere Games (je nach Bandbreite) über XWIS hosten.
Hier der Originaltext aus dem Dev-Blog:
Beta's out Friday:
Assuming nothing screws up horribly and we get this out to our mirrors, you should be able to start playing this Friday or early Saturday. We've got a couple small issues to look into, but unless we have a good reason or decide to blue-balls you guys, Beta's ready.
The FDS may or may not be released simultaneously, but we will certainly have our official server up and ready (it actually is right now).
Feel free to ask any questions you might have here in this thread, and I'll swoop in to answer them.
Außerdem gibt ChronoJam in diesem Blog bereits einen Ausblick auf die geplante Zukunft:Assuming nothing screws up horribly and we get this out to our mirrors, you should be able to start playing this Friday or early Saturday. We've got a couple small issues to look into, but unless we have a good reason or decide to blue-balls you guys, Beta's ready.
The FDS may or may not be released simultaneously, but we will certainly have our official server up and ready (it actually is right now).
Feel free to ask any questions you might have here in this thread, and I'll swoop in to answer them.
Gamma work underway:
We've actually already got work underway for the version after this one, how about that? It will be something of an expansion pack, with no real gameplay changes or anything; just some replacements of the older vehicles and possibly infantry too, and more official maps to try out. Look for the Pillbox, Turret, and Tesla Coil to be shown off sometime in the near future, if we're not too busy playing Beta or taking a short break to remember to finish them off and show you. It will be released whenever we've got a decent amount of new stuff to hand off to you guys, with no real deadlines or anything. We'll probably put a lot of emphasis on Apocalypse Rising's development simultaneously.
We've actually already got work underway for the version after this one, how about that? It will be something of an expansion pack, with no real gameplay changes or anything; just some replacements of the older vehicles and possibly infantry too, and more official maps to try out. Look for the Pillbox, Turret, and Tesla Coil to be shown off sometime in the near future, if we're not too busy playing Beta or taking a short break to remember to finish them off and show you. It will be released whenever we've got a decent amount of new stuff to hand off to you guys, with no real deadlines or anything. We'll probably put a lot of emphasis on Apocalypse Rising's development simultaneously.
Ihr wisst noch gar nicht was A Path Beyond ist?
APB ist eine Total Conversion die die Spielengine von Renegade in das Universum von Alarmstufe Rot versetzt.
Hier ein kleiner Teaser der sich auch auf dem Dev-Blog befindet:
YouTube Video
Quelle: A Path Beyond Dev-Blog