Vielleicht entdeckt ihr auch ein paar Deutsche, die auf dem Kane's Wrath Community Summit waren ;)
Check it out auf dem Flash-Player von http://www.commandandconquer.com/. Die downloadbare Quicktime-Version soll morgen kommen.
Apocs Post dazu:
Hey everyone,
Check out the latest episode 4 of Aftermath now on our home page at www.commandandconquer.com, use the flash player! I'll have it available in Quicktime download as well tomorrow. New KW info, more from my corner, more bloopers, another C&C babe, and more!
Go to, www.commandandconquer.com to watch!
Check out the latest episode 4 of Aftermath now on our home page at www.commandandconquer.com, use the flash player! I'll have it available in Quicktime download as well tomorrow. New KW info, more from my corner, more bloopers, another C&C babe, and more!
Go to, www.commandandconquer.com to watch!