Hey everyone,
Here is your APOC 1AM mid-holiday update. As you may or may not know, our company has been out of the office due to Christmas and New Years. Yes, sometimes we have to put family and friends in front of Command & Conquer, it honestly pains me, but presents from KANE isn't so bad either.
The next episode of BattleCast Primetime will air January 5th in our new Friday time-slot. You can expect a new monthly episode of BattleCast Primetime around the first Friday of every month starting this January 2008. And because you missed your monthly dose in December, the January episode will be packed twice as much. Think of it as the super-extended episode of BattleCast Primetime, expect a lot more epic C&C TV fun starting Friday, January 5th at our official website, www.commandandconquer.com.
I am also fully aware of the lobby situation and am working over the Holidays to try and get a solution. I will do my best to keep you posted, however, please keep in mind communication will be tough until after New Years due to the holiday. That said, we do have 24/7 customer support teams at EA and Gamespy and are working to cure the issue. Anyone who wishes to spam or cheat in-game or in the lobby during this time will have their serial key banned, no exceptions. We are tracking with chat logs so I ask that you please not abuse the system or face the wrath of the Iron Fist :o) The show goes on, even during Holidays!
2008 will have many surprises in store, I will officially be back in office on Monday, January 8th, but between now and then will be keeping an eye on all. More to come later next week.
Have a happy and healthy and C&C New Year,
Here is your APOC 1AM mid-holiday update. As you may or may not know, our company has been out of the office due to Christmas and New Years. Yes, sometimes we have to put family and friends in front of Command & Conquer, it honestly pains me, but presents from KANE isn't so bad either.
The next episode of BattleCast Primetime will air January 5th in our new Friday time-slot. You can expect a new monthly episode of BattleCast Primetime around the first Friday of every month starting this January 2008. And because you missed your monthly dose in December, the January episode will be packed twice as much. Think of it as the super-extended episode of BattleCast Primetime, expect a lot more epic C&C TV fun starting Friday, January 5th at our official website, www.commandandconquer.com.
I am also fully aware of the lobby situation and am working over the Holidays to try and get a solution. I will do my best to keep you posted, however, please keep in mind communication will be tough until after New Years due to the holiday. That said, we do have 24/7 customer support teams at EA and Gamespy and are working to cure the issue. Anyone who wishes to spam or cheat in-game or in the lobby during this time will have their serial key banned, no exceptions. We are tracking with chat logs so I ask that you please not abuse the system or face the wrath of the Iron Fist :o) The show goes on, even during Holidays!
2008 will have many surprises in store, I will officially be back in office on Monday, January 8th, but between now and then will be keeping an eye on all. More to come later next week.
Have a happy and healthy and C&C New Year,
Die nächste Folge von Battlecast Primetime wird am 5. Januar erscheinen. Damit besetzt BCPT einen neuen Sendeplatz und wird ab sofort immer am ersten Freitag des Monats erscheinen. Als Entschädigung für die lange Wartezeit wird Episode 5 besonders lang. Trotz der Feiertage wird man sich bei EA und Gamespy weiterhin bemühen den Lobbychat zu überwachen und so Spammern zu Leibe zu rücken. Auch auf Cheater wird man weiterhin achten.