Er fordert hingegen die Community, auf einen "Community-Patch" zu erstellen. Diesen will er dann gerne, wenn er gut gelungen ist, an die Entwickler zum prüfen geben.
Das Original-Zitat im Ganzen:
With all due respect our resources are focused on C&C 3 support, upcoming Kane's Wrath, and even at some point...patches hopefully for the BFME franchise before anything else.
While I would love to patch RA2 and Yuri's, unfortunately, I would not count on it right now, and not sure when. I'll happily throw official support behind anyone who wants to make a community patch and if its good, I could get our dev team to look at it, and give it a stamp of approval essentially.
That'd be the best I can envision right now.
While I would love to patch RA2 and Yuri's, unfortunately, I would not count on it right now, and not sure when. I'll happily throw official support behind anyone who wants to make a community patch and if its good, I could get our dev team to look at it, and give it a stamp of approval essentially.
That'd be the best I can envision right now.