Okay, I just joined the server BETA6. There was no one in it, but I was going to wait for someone to join (I wanted to be in a non-laddered game to get some good screens without risking my points, and also be in there if more testing went on). I think I found the testing
As soon as I joined, there was a character named "Guard2" who had not been listed as in the server, but not joined after me. Strange. Anyway, I started the game and really creamed him. He attacked the base once, but after failing didn`t do it again. I blew up the hand with an MRLS and he attacked me a little but failed. I proceeded to blow up the rest of the buildings with Ion beacons while watching him run in circles... He attacked a little in defense but definitely not a whole lot. The end score was 3338 to 14, I believe...He also never chatted at all.
If it was a bot, thats great Or maybe I`m just jumping to hopeful conclusions...
Nun, bis jetzt gibt es keine Stellungnahme dazu doch ist mir Taximes, Autor dieses Postings, als recht vernünftig bekannt und er ist auch schon seit der ersten Beta-Phase dabei, er kennt sich also mit der Materie ein wenig aus.
Demnach könnte es also wirklich sein daß WS Bots für den MP testet.
Ob sie dann allerdings wirklich nachher in`s Spiel kommen ist mehr als ungewiss (wenn das überhaupt wirklich ein Bot war (der Name Guard2 und das KI -mäßige Verhalten legen es allerings nahe))
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