Wer sich dann noch wach genug fühlt und einigermaßen Englisch kann sollte ab 01:45 die offizielle Renegade Page besuchen und sich über das dann dort verfügbare Java Applet einloggen.
Hier das originale Mail von Chris (Delphi) Rubyor:
Tomorrow January 17th at 5 P.M. PST, Westwood`s C&C community team will be
hosting a chat featuring Executive Producer Dan "DanC" Cermak. This will be
the perfect time to get all those questions lingering in the back of your
mind answered and receive a status report on the ongoing field test of
Renegade`s Command & Conquer multiplayer mode.
As an added bonus, three Renegade multiplay beta slots have been made
available and will given away during the chat. The lucky recipients will be
able to participate in the multiplayer madness for the remainder of the test
Stay tuned to the official Renegade website beginning at 4:45 P.M. PST to
access Westwood`s java chat client.
Don`t be late!
Online Community Manager
C&C Universe
Westwood Studios