Er sprach dabei über Dinge wie die Fehler von Renegade, den Spagat um Quereinsteiger und C&C Fans glücklich zu machen und einiges mehr.
Hier ein kleiner Auszug, der sehr vielversprechend für die Tiberium-Fans klingen wird:
A "new franchise" is promised. How will future Tiberium titles further the story and how will they relate to the ongoing C&C RTS releases?
It's too early to disclose any details about future Tiberium games right now, but there is a master plan for an epic story. You'll just have to stay tuned to find out. It all starts with Tiberium.
It's too early to disclose any details about future Tiberium games right now, but there is a master plan for an epic story. You'll just have to stay tuned to find out. It all starts with Tiberium.
Aber lest das Interview selbst.