"Starting next week, we'll be rolling out 2-3 new Red Alert 3 units for our 3 factions all the way up until launch. With 3 factions and over 70 unit's, you're going to have a lot to look forward to each and every week here at RedAlert.com For now, click the Factions button above to get a look at what's to come!
Every unit profile will contain extensive fiction information on the unit's background, their gameplay strategies, a video showcasing their unique abilities, and maybe even a few more surprises. We promise you'll want to come back every week, for now check out our Faction section and see which units we've already announced, and which we haven't...CLICK HERE"
Every unit profile will contain extensive fiction information on the unit's background, their gameplay strategies, a video showcasing their unique abilities, and maybe even a few more surprises. We promise you'll want to come back every week, for now check out our Faction section and see which units we've already announced, and which we haven't...CLICK HERE"
Quelle: http://www.ea.com/redalert/news-detail.jsp?id=3