Das Interview erstreckt sich über 4 Seiten und ist durch die vielen kleinen Hintergrundinfos sehr interessant. Hier ein kleiner Auszug (bei dem nur ein Teil der Antwort wiedergegeben wird):
When it comes to balancing Kane’s Wrath, what sorts of goals and philosophies do you have, and what methodology do you use?
|...|Correcting an imbalance can be as simple as adjusting damage and armor numbers, or as complex as changing the range and projectile speed of twelve complimentary units in different ways in order to make up for the lack of unit X in the combat chain. At this stage, the designer needs to be 100% hands-on with his units, and not in the way that you’re thinking. Making decisions on paper correlates very poorly to the actual in-game performance of each unit, under pressure from a mixed opposing force and with the presence of micromanagement, and the designer may find that his or her changes did very little to impact the actual combat effectiveness of the unit.
|...|Correcting an imbalance can be as simple as adjusting damage and armor numbers, or as complex as changing the range and projectile speed of twelve complimentary units in different ways in order to make up for the lack of unit X in the combat chain. At this stage, the designer needs to be 100% hands-on with his units, and not in the way that you’re thinking. Making decisions on paper correlates very poorly to the actual in-game performance of each unit, under pressure from a mixed opposing force and with the presence of micromanagement, and the designer may find that his or her changes did very little to impact the actual combat effectiveness of the unit.
After reviewing the in-game impact and making a few changes, it’s time to head back up to the top level and re-review the meta-impact of the changes. Chances are, increasing the price of X will fundamentally change how the faction is played, which necessitates reviewing the entire process again, for every possible faction combination.
Overall, there are two important things to keep in mind when rebalancing a unit: does the unit feel powerful in its role and is it fun to use. If you can say “no” to either question, you will probably not see that unit used by the playerbase.|...|
Overall, there are two important things to keep in mind when rebalancing a unit: does the unit feel powerful in its role and is it fun to use. If you can say “no” to either question, you will probably not see that unit used by the playerbase.|...|
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