Hey everyone,
Many of you are already second guessing our efforts and hypothesizing/assuming we will not patch Kane's Wrath ever again. I will say our attitude is quite the contrary.
I will not promise any sort of timeline for the next patch for Kane's Wrath, but I will say I am already making huge strides to gauge what a Kane's Wrath patch 1.02 would include, and work with our Live Team Director to figure out the best process to get it done down the road.
Many of you are already second guessing our efforts and hypothesizing/assuming we will not patch Kane's Wrath ever again. I will say our attitude is quite the contrary.
I will not promise any sort of timeline for the next patch for Kane's Wrath, but I will say I am already making huge strides to gauge what a Kane's Wrath patch 1.02 would include, and work with our Live Team Director to figure out the best process to get it done down the road.
So the simple answer right now, yes, we have every intent to patch Kane's Wrath again, but no intent to do that this week, next week, this month, or have an exact set timeline. We just started our ladder season and patching in the middle is not wise for balance purposes.
Second, despite some bugs that some of you think are red-hot-fix, I have not seen anything yet that warrants an emergency, but if something arises, I will absolutely make a case. I've heard some comments about the AI in skirmish not performing, I will look in to this but have not seen any significant amount of traffic around this supposed issue. And of course everyone has their own opinion about balance, but this is nothing new in RTS world =)
So to conclude, I would ask that you enjoy/deconstruct/play the patch which we just gave you and when I have information down the road about our next plans to patch Kane's Wrath, I will come with concrete details. I make no promises when that will be, but this is certainly not the last Kane's Wrath patch.
That is why Mike Verdu really spoke from the heart in his blog posting the other week about the efforts we'd like to make in the future. That was a very real statement.
Hopefully the above is reassuring, and the fact you have a very big solid patch right now for Kane's Wrath should be a breath of fresh air and reassuring as well.
For now, discussing patch 1.02 is just to help give us ideas for the future, but ideally, enjoying the current patch (if you'd like), enjoying the game, participating in the ladder season, and discussing cool constructive topics on our boards here is the most important and fun thing to do right now.
Second, despite some bugs that some of you think are red-hot-fix, I have not seen anything yet that warrants an emergency, but if something arises, I will absolutely make a case. I've heard some comments about the AI in skirmish not performing, I will look in to this but have not seen any significant amount of traffic around this supposed issue. And of course everyone has their own opinion about balance, but this is nothing new in RTS world =)
So to conclude, I would ask that you enjoy/deconstruct/play the patch which we just gave you and when I have information down the road about our next plans to patch Kane's Wrath, I will come with concrete details. I make no promises when that will be, but this is certainly not the last Kane's Wrath patch.
That is why Mike Verdu really spoke from the heart in his blog posting the other week about the efforts we'd like to make in the future. That was a very real statement.
Hopefully the above is reassuring, and the fact you have a very big solid patch right now for Kane's Wrath should be a breath of fresh air and reassuring as well.
For now, discussing patch 1.02 is just to help give us ideas for the future, but ideally, enjoying the current patch (if you'd like), enjoying the game, participating in the ladder season, and discussing cool constructive topics on our boards here is the most important and fun thing to do right now.
Zusammengefasst lässt sich sagen:
- Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass es noch einen Patch geben wird
- Es gibt kein Versprechen über einen Zeitraum zu dem der Patch erscheinen könnte, es wird aber sicher nicht mehr diesen und vermutlich nicht nächsten Monat sein
- Im Moment wird mit dem sog. 'Live Team'(**) eruiert wie der beste Prozess für einen Patch aussehen könnte
- Es gibt im Moment keine Meldungen über Bugs die einen schnellen Patch rechtfertigen würden - sollten aber noch welche auftauchen so würde auch schnell daran gearbeitet
- Es gibt ein paar Meldungen die KI würde in Skirmish Games nicht vernünftig funktionieren. Apoc wird sich das weiter ansehen, sieht aber derzeit noch keinen direkten Handlungsbedarf
- Alle Diskussionen rund um Patch 1.02 dienen im Moment dazu weitere Idee für die Zukunft zu liefern. konstruktive Kritik ist willkommen.
Da das Live Team nun bereits zum 2. Mal erwähnt wird (siehe Mike Verdus Entschuldigung für die Verzögerungen bei 1.01):
Das Live Team soll eine eigenständige Abteilung innerhalb von EALA darstellen die fast ausschließlich für die Entwicklung von Patches und dem sonstigen Support für die Spiele zuständig ist. Das gibt den eigentlichen Entwicklern die Freiheit sich um die Entwicklung neuer Games und Add-Ons zu widmen statt, wie bisher, an einem Patch zu arbeiten um dann für andere Entwicklungen abgezogen zu werden.
Der 'Live Team Director' ist übrigens jemand der lange Zeit für EA Deutschland tätig war und kürzlich nach Los Angeles wechselte. Viele langjähirge Communtymitglieder werden wissen wer gemeint ist.