- Einsatzzweck: Psionic Commando
- Training Headquarter: Shiro Sanitarium, Tokyo
- Abstammung: Japan
- Hergestellt in: Imperial Instant Dojo
- Motto: "Gedanken sind gefährlich, zu wenig Gedanken sind tödlich
- Ausstattung:
- Neurokinetic Booster-Braids
- Tailored jacket w/ Imperial crest
- Make-up makes foes ill-at-ease
- Tote bag w/ hard-bound volumes
- Immaculate footwear

Evidence is mounting that the Empire of the Rising Sun has in its employ some sort of nigh-unstoppable commando who resembles nothing more than a sullen young woman returning home from school with a disappointing report-card. She was first discovered by an elite school of Allied dolphins patrolling off the coast of Kyushu. Only one returned, visibly shaken, with a smattering of reportedly "unwatchable" recorded evidence of this woman's destructive power. This woman has the estimated combat potential of an entire military company, using no obvious means or weapons. As absurd as this may seem, it is believed that this woman eschews conventional weapons in favor of some sort of psionic powers. The number of military tacticians laughing away such an outlandish theory is rapidly decreasing as news of the Empire of the Rising Sun's newfangled army continues to spread.
Based on the transmissions intercepted from the Empire of the Rising Sun, this woman is known as Yuriko Omega, presumably a codename. Records of the exact origins of this Yuriko Omega are either highly classified or may not even exist. What has been gleaned, however, is that she must be the rumored survivor of an intensive program conducted by Shiro Sanitarium, a private paramilitary R&D firm seeking alternatives to Japan's increasing dependence on high technology in its military affairs. That program must have been dehumanizing to the say the least, yet the results seem self-evident: Yuriko appears to have powers that can best be described as monstrous. Her mind has been "sharpened" to such an edge that it can cut through entire squads seemingly at her whim. How exactly this power is manifest, or what effect such powers must have on this woman's psyche, is also unknown.
After an initial encounter with Yuriko Omega, an Allied commander who has since been discharged sought to probe her combat abilities using the majority of an entire military company including, but not limited, to: 10 peacekeepers, six javelin soldiers, four guardian tanks, three cryocopters, two assault destroyers, and an aircraft carrier. Amazingly, not one of these forces returned from the encounter, even though Yuriko Omega was said to be alone, out of range of other Imperial forces. Most of Allied high command deemed this to be some sort of perfectly-orchestrated trap. A few insist that Yuriko Omega alone was responsible.
It may be no accident that Yuriko was encountered on her own, for there is reason to believe she is feared even among the Rising Sun's own forces. From a certain perspective, this is hardly a surprise, for one seemingly so young and yet so powerful as she must surely have experienced incredible psychological or even physical trauma during the course of her development. Make no mistake, however: Any pity would almost certainly be lost on Yuriko Omega, who--or rather, which--is the closest this world has yet seen to a living weapon.
Extreme caution is advised when engaging Yuriko Omega, or anyone resembling her. Look for evidence of psychic ability such as levitation, telekinesis, mind-reading, ESP, psychokinetic burst, etc.
After an initial encounter with Yuriko Omega, an Allied commander who has since been discharged sought to probe her combat abilities using the majority of an entire military company including, but not limited, to: 10 peacekeepers, six javelin soldiers, four guardian tanks, three cryocopters, two assault destroyers, and an aircraft carrier. Amazingly, not one of these forces returned from the encounter, even though Yuriko Omega was said to be alone, out of range of other Imperial forces. Most of Allied high command deemed this to be some sort of perfectly-orchestrated trap. A few insist that Yuriko Omega alone was responsible.
It may be no accident that Yuriko was encountered on her own, for there is reason to believe she is feared even among the Rising Sun's own forces. From a certain perspective, this is hardly a surprise, for one seemingly so young and yet so powerful as she must surely have experienced incredible psychological or even physical trauma during the course of her development. Make no mistake, however: Any pity would almost certainly be lost on Yuriko Omega, who--or rather, which--is the closest this world has yet seen to a living weapon.
Extreme caution is advised when engaging Yuriko Omega, or anyone resembling her. Look for evidence of psychic ability such as levitation, telekinesis, mind-reading, ESP, psychokinetic burst, etc.
Hinweise vom Schlachtfeld:
- Die Kraft der Gedanken — Yuriko benötigt keine konventionellen Waffen, ihre gedankenkraft ist vollkommen ausreichend. Sie kann selbst den größten Panzer mit Leichtigkeit in die Luft heben und zu Boden fallen lassen um ihn zu zerstören, Gebäude einfach zerbröseln, ganze Infantrietrupps beiseite werfen und sogar die modernsten Flugzeuge einfach zu Boden ziehen.
- Levitation — Als wenn sie ihre psychischen Fähigkeiten ständig zeigen müsse, scheint Yuriko niemals die normale Form der menschlichen Fortbewegung zu nutzen. Stattdessen schwebt sie ständig etwa einen Meter über dem Boden. Davon abgesehen dass das recht beeindruckend aussieht, kann sie sich auf Land und auf der See mit gleicher geschwindigkeit vorwärts bewegen.
- Psychokinetischer Stoß — Theoretisch kann ein Trupp ausgebildeter Soldaten in der Lage sein Yuriko Omega zu bewtwingen. In der Praxis scheint Yuriko Omega in der Lage zu sein einen massiven Stoß psionischer Enrergie auszusenden der Infanterie wie bei einer unglaublichen Explosion durcheinanderwirbelt.
- Einzelgänger — Man nimmt an, dass Yuriko Omega im Militärapparat des Empires wirklich eine 'Individualistin' ist statt ein Mitglied einer Gruppe zu sein da es aussieht als wenn es nur eine gäbe. Es gibt keinen überzeugenden Hinweis der glauben lassen könnte es gäbe Kopien ihrer selbst da sie bisher immer nur alleine gesehen wurde.
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