Auf Grund der vielen Fragen aus der Community hat Apoc ein Posting im, mittlerweile geöffneten, offiziellen Alarmstufe Rot 3 Beta-Test Forum eröffnet in dem er Antworten auf die häufigsten Fragen gibt:
Alright, I am updating this thread with a few quick Q& A's so everyone is not confused.
1. How do I know I am registered, I did not receive a confirmation e- mail when I submitted my key?
We have sent out an update e-mail today to the thousands of you who have already registered. This is the first confirmation e-mail that you are in our queue. If you registered, you should receive this e-mail within the next 24 hours, if you haven't already.
2. What e-mail address are you sending me updates and eventually my key to?
1. How do I know I am registered, I did not receive a confirmation e- mail when I submitted my key?
We have sent out an update e-mail today to the thousands of you who have already registered. This is the first confirmation e-mail that you are in our queue. If you registered, you should receive this e-mail within the next 24 hours, if you haven't already.
2. What e-mail address are you sending me updates and eventually my key to?
All e-mails for the Beta Test including your activation e-mail are being sent to the e-mail account tied to the EA Account you logged in with on our Beta Test website when your originally registered your key. For most of you this would be the e-mail tied to your Master EA account (i.e. the account in which all of your EA games are registered under). You should be checking this e-mail account for all of our communications.
3. Dude, where's my Beta Key?
We have not sent out ANY Beta Key E-mails yet and we will not do so until we are ready to fully activate the Beta Test publicly.
Right now we are just testing the beta internally with "friends and family" of our development team and EA.
Very soon, as I mentioned in the other sticky thread, we still start to activate those in our public queue when we feel the Beta Test is ready to go officially public. We're very close to that, but it will not be before this weekend.
You will receive your Beta Test Activation E-Mail based on the time & date in which you registered your key contained in your copy of Kane's Wrath. We have a queue of thousands of people all who registered, and they are ordered in numerical order. We will start with a small activation and look to quickly ramp to thousands and thousands over the course of days and weeks in late-July and August. It is our intent to get as many of the people who registered within the first few weeks of Kane's Wrath launching in the Beta Test as early as possible. Right now, we cannot make any promises or predictions until the software has passed our internal comfortability and starts to get in the hands of hundreds and thousands of you. If things go very well, I think you'll see us ramp it up very quickly.
So, ending point here, you will get your Beta Key e-mail when we activate you in the queue. If you registered early, you have a very very good chance to be a part of the first few waves around the official public launch. From there, we will activate more as we get more comfortable with the Beta Test itself.
All good my people? Everyone got the down-low now? =)
I will continue to update this thread with more questions.
3. Dude, where's my Beta Key?
We have not sent out ANY Beta Key E-mails yet and we will not do so until we are ready to fully activate the Beta Test publicly.
Right now we are just testing the beta internally with "friends and family" of our development team and EA.
Very soon, as I mentioned in the other sticky thread, we still start to activate those in our public queue when we feel the Beta Test is ready to go officially public. We're very close to that, but it will not be before this weekend.
You will receive your Beta Test Activation E-Mail based on the time & date in which you registered your key contained in your copy of Kane's Wrath. We have a queue of thousands of people all who registered, and they are ordered in numerical order. We will start with a small activation and look to quickly ramp to thousands and thousands over the course of days and weeks in late-July and August. It is our intent to get as many of the people who registered within the first few weeks of Kane's Wrath launching in the Beta Test as early as possible. Right now, we cannot make any promises or predictions until the software has passed our internal comfortability and starts to get in the hands of hundreds and thousands of you. If things go very well, I think you'll see us ramp it up very quickly.
So, ending point here, you will get your Beta Key e-mail when we activate you in the queue. If you registered early, you have a very very good chance to be a part of the first few waves around the official public launch. From there, we will activate more as we get more comfortable with the Beta Test itself.
All good my people? Everyone got the down-low now? =)
I will continue to update this thread with more questions.
Weiter geht es mit der Beantwortung weiterer Fragen, hier zur verwendeten Emailadresse:
Your Beta Key is tied to the account you registered with on the website which should be your Master EA Account since you were asked to LOGIN to Register a new account.
So, it is the e-mail that is tied to the account you logged in with, or registered a new account with.
If you changed that e-mail, that's not something we account for as your data print is tied to the e-mail from the account you registered with. I would strongly suggest checking your old e-mail in that case. I'm sure there will be a few cases of this for some people.
Totally Lakie, we will have to take it on a case by case basis, right now, I don't see this being a huge problem.
The odds of many people changing their e-mail address in the last two months are slim, but I agree there will be some.
We will handle as it comes.
So, it is the e-mail that is tied to the account you logged in with, or registered a new account with.
If you changed that e-mail, that's not something we account for as your data print is tied to the e-mail from the account you registered with. I would strongly suggest checking your old e-mail in that case. I'm sure there will be a few cases of this for some people.
Totally Lakie, we will have to take it on a case by case basis, right now, I don't see this being a huge problem.
The odds of many people changing their e-mail address in the last two months are slim, but I agree there will be some.
We will handle as it comes.
- Jeder der eine Email bekommen hat ist für den Betatest registriert.
- Je früher die Registrierung stattgefunden hat desto größer sind die Chancen einer der ersten zu sein die die Beta spielen können.
- Die Beta-Keys werden nach und nach per Email verschickt werden.
- Aktuell läuft nur ein sehr interner 'Family & Friends' Beta-Test.
- Sollte sich jemand registriert haben und danch seine Emailadresse gewechselt haben so soll derjenige bitte auch sein altes Emailpostfach prüfen. Im Zweifelsfall muss von Fall zu Fall entschieden werden.