Hier ein kleiner Ausschnitt:
4. Do the Allies and Soviets have any way of getting the upper hand with the way they build?
GK: The Allies and Soviets each have unique advantages to their build systems, as well. The Allies benefit from the traditional C&C-style build system, so they can do things like queue up base defenses and place them down in a pinch. They also have some of the best recon units and abilities in the game, so they can find out what the Empire is up to early on through scouting. As for the Soviets, they have access to a handy structure called the Crusher Crane, which lets them build multiple structures at once as well as repair vehicles or even scrap them for a refund. The Soviets also gain a bit of build radius from any structures they place, so they can spread out across the map faster than any other faction.
GK: The Allies and Soviets each have unique advantages to their build systems, as well. The Allies benefit from the traditional C&C-style build system, so they can do things like queue up base defenses and place them down in a pinch. They also have some of the best recon units and abilities in the game, so they can find out what the Empire is up to early on through scouting. As for the Soviets, they have access to a handy structure called the Crusher Crane, which lets them build multiple structures at once as well as repair vehicles or even scrap them for a refund. The Soviets also gain a bit of build radius from any structures they place, so they can spread out across the map faster than any other faction.
5. What are some examples of ways you can expand around the map as the Empire?
GK: The Empire can try and rush to as many Ore Mines as possible early on in a battle, in order to gain an economic advantage quickly. They can send their base defenses out to choke points or even to the enemy base. They can try sneaking a production structure like their Instant Dojo or the Imperial Docks to areas right next to the enemy or his most-likely expansions, in order to mount an aggressive ambush. Or they can spread their structures all across the map, to make it harder for their foes to pin them down.
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