Einsatzzweck: Attentäter / Infiltrator
Ausbildungszentrum: Kuroshio Academy, Iga
National Origin: Japan
Hergestellt in: Imperial Instant Dojo
Motto: "Wer pflegen den imperialen Garten."
The Empire of the Rising Sun evidently knew much of its enemies' weaknesses prior to unleashing its hidden army upon the world. Furthermore, it appears that the Empire has already developed more-advanced versions of certain forces commonly used by the Allies and the Soviets, such as their mobile construction vehicles. Exactly how the Empire managed to reverse-engineer top-secret military technology and discover the few vulnerabilities of the two largest world superpowers is anyone's guess. However, anyone who guesses that the ranks of the Imperial shinobi had something to do with it is probably on the right track. The Empire of the Rising Sun's unorthodox intelligence network seems to consist of these cloaked assassin-saboteurs, who have no official connection to Japan's international or military affairs, yet seem to be showing up more and more often in battlefield situations. Disturbingly, while these shadowy characters are equipped with what might be considered ancient, old-fashioned weapons by modern standards, they have proven to be uncommonly lethal. ...
The Empire of the Rising Sun evidently knew much of its enemies' weaknesses prior to unleashing its hidden army upon the world. Furthermore, it appears that the Empire has already developed more-advanced versions of certain forces commonly used by the Allies and the Soviets, such as their mobile construction vehicles. Exactly how the Empire managed to reverse-engineer top-secret military technology and discover the few vulnerabilities of the two largest world superpowers is anyone's guess. However, anyone who guesses that the ranks of the Imperial shinobi had something to do with it is probably on the right track. The Empire of the Rising Sun's unorthodox intelligence network seems to consist of these cloaked assassin-saboteurs, who have no official connection to Japan's international or military affairs, yet seem to be showing up more and more often in battlefield situations. Disturbingly, while these shadowy characters are equipped with what might be considered ancient, old-fashioned weapons by modern standards, they have proven to be uncommonly lethal. ...

Hinweise vom Schlachtfeld:
Präzisionsschnitt:In mehreren Generationen von Shinobi Kriegern wurden die Schwerter und Wurfsterne immer weiter verbessert, so dass sie heute mit einigen der tödlichsten Waffen der Welt ausgestattet sind. Ein Schwerthieb genügt um jede gegnerische Infanterieeinheit sofort auszuschalten.
Gerät ein Shinobi unter Beschuss kann er eine Rauchbombe zünden um sich so davon zu stehlen. Da eine so feige Flucht dem Shinobi-Kodex widerspricht wird diese Fähigkeit nur selten eingesetzt.
Eindringen und Sabotieren:
Ein Shinobi kann in feindliche Militärgebäude eindringen und die dortigen Abläufe sabotieren. Wie diese Sabotage sich auswirkt hängt jeweils vom entsprechenden Gebäudetyp ab.
Gerüchten nach sind die Shinobi Krieger so leichtfüßig unterwegs, dass sie selbst über Wasser rennen können. Auch wenn diese Berichte bisher unbestätigt sind, so gibt es keinen Zweifel, dass die Shinobi auch in der Lage sind Wassergebiete zu durchqueren.
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