- Einsatzbereich: Anti-Infanterie
- Ausbildungs-HQ: Byakko Kasernen, Tokio
- Herkunft: Japan
- Hergestellt in: Imperial Instant Dojo
- Motto: "Der Tod ist verdient."
- Ausrüstung:
- MX Type-2 kinetic carbine
- Imperial beam katana
- Imperial jingasa helmet
- Embroidered Imperial bandana
- Signed certificate of familial standing

With each passing day, the Empire of the Rising Sun's ranks swell with deeply-devoted, well-trained warriors knowledgeable in marksmanship as well as the ancient art of the sword. While these frontline fighters' standard-issue weapons are quite impressive, truly their greatest strength is their unwavering devotion to their nation's ambitious goals. Much like how their ancestors, the samurai, perceived their duties to their lords, the Imperial warriors of today fundamentally believe that to fight and die in service of the Emperor is the height of honor and duty--in other words, the height of life.
Imperial warriors are provided with fine equipment with which to do battle with their enemies. Their standard-issue uniforms provide a good compromise of protection against small-arms fire and other hazards while affording plenty of mobility. This is important because Imperial warriors are expected to be able to fight both at a range as well as in close quarters. Their primary weapon is a state-of-the-art carbine that fires superheated slugs, rather than conventional bullets, which cause painful lacerations and burns in unarmored targets. No shell casings or physical projectiles are left behind, making residues from these weapons untraceable, and reducing overall weight-of-equipment. These weapons are as yet unproven over the longer haul, though in practice they seem at least as viable as any modern rifle.
Yet the most unlikely weapon in the Imperial warriors' arsenal has to be their close-combat sabers, styled after the traditional Japanese katana. Contrary to earlier reports, these blades are not ceremonial in nature. Linked to each warrior's rifle's power supply, they can be ignited to become incredibly hot and, in effect, sharper than any steel. Imperial warriors have been known to charge their enemies full-on with these blades held high, cutting down any foes that come within striking distance. Some believe that the sword's power supply provides its bearer with the equivalent of a massive adrenaline rush (as if any more than usual is needed in the heat of battle), for Imperial warriors with activated blades seem to move even faster than usual until their sword's energy dissipates and slowly recharges.
While the population of the Empire of the Rising Sun is but a fraction of that of Soviet Union and the Allied Nations, it seems as though a significant portion of Japan's young male population has been drafted into military service. Still more have willingly enlisted. Between this and the Empire's technological advantages, the Imperial warriors are at the very least comparable to the infantries of other world powers. While this is the lowest level of military servitude within the Empire of the Rising Sun, it is nonetheless considered a great honor within Imperial society, and those who survive battlefield encounters (many do not) often are promoted into positions of greater power and responsibility.
Yet the most unlikely weapon in the Imperial warriors' arsenal has to be their close-combat sabers, styled after the traditional Japanese katana. Contrary to earlier reports, these blades are not ceremonial in nature. Linked to each warrior's rifle's power supply, they can be ignited to become incredibly hot and, in effect, sharper than any steel. Imperial warriors have been known to charge their enemies full-on with these blades held high, cutting down any foes that come within striking distance. Some believe that the sword's power supply provides its bearer with the equivalent of a massive adrenaline rush (as if any more than usual is needed in the heat of battle), for Imperial warriors with activated blades seem to move even faster than usual until their sword's energy dissipates and slowly recharges.
While the population of the Empire of the Rising Sun is but a fraction of that of Soviet Union and the Allied Nations, it seems as though a significant portion of Japan's young male population has been drafted into military service. Still more have willingly enlisted. Between this and the Empire's technological advantages, the Imperial warriors are at the very least comparable to the infantries of other world powers. While this is the lowest level of military servitude within the Empire of the Rising Sun, it is nonetheless considered a great honor within Imperial society, and those who survive battlefield encounters (many do not) often are promoted into positions of greater power and responsibility.
Nachrichten vom Schlachtfeld:
- Tod in Massen: Die Art und Weise des Nationalstolzes bringt es mit sich, dass es Massen von Imerial Warriors gibt die kämpfen ohne nach dem Sinn zu fragen und die preisgünstig in die Schlacht zu bringen sind.
- Der kinetische Karabiner: Die stoßfeuernden Gewehre der Imerial Warriors sind stärker als die meisten konventionellen Feuerwaffen aber sie sind nicht stark genug um Schäden an gepanzerten Fahrzeugen hervorzurufen. Auch ist ihrer Reichweite begrenzt - deshalb sind sie unggeignet gegen Luftziele.
- Das Strahlenkatana: Die Klinge des Imerial Warriors kann nicht unbegrenzt lange aktiviert bleiben. Wenn sie aber aktiviert wird ist sie gegen große Mengen gegnerischer Infanterie effektiv. Die Waffe ist allerdings gegen Panzerung und Luftziele komplett nutzlos.
- Garisonen sollen verdammt sein: Imperial Warriors sidn darauf vorbereitet bis zum Tod gegen Feinde zu kämpfen die sich garisoniert haben. Sie sind bekannt dafür in solche Häuser einzudringen und alle darin befindlichen Soldaten zu töten - selbst wenn das für sie selber tödliche Verwundungen bedeutet. Alles um einen strategischen Vorteil für das Imperium zu erlangen.