Flying Vehicles In Renegade posted by Apocalypse @ 3:12 | Comments (0)
Well, this one is a surprise. At least that its going to happen so soon. Westwood announced that flying vehicles will appear in Renegade Online mode a few weeks after release and still being Renegade Week, I will post the full release:
Renegade Multiplayer Maps to Include Flying Vehicles
New Maps Incorporating Nod, GDI Air Vehicles Currently In Testing
Las Vegas (February 25, 2002) - On the eve of its ship date, Westwood Studios(tm) revealed that it is testing two new multiplayer maps for Command & Conquer Renegade(tm) that will allow players to control air-based vehicles from the original Command & Conquer RTS game. Electronic Arts(tm) (NASDAQ:ERTS) will publish Renegade under the EA GAMESTM brand and it ships to retail stores tomorrow.
The new flying units, taken from the original Command & Conquer strategy game, are:
The GDI Orca, an advanced helicopter armed with powerful chain guns and missiles.
The Nod Apache attack helicopter, also armed with chain guns and missiles.
The Chinook troop transport, a large helicopter that can carry five troops. Both Nod and GDI will have this versions of this vehicle.
The "City" and "Walls" maps included in the final version of the game serve as the basis for the new maps. Most of the buildings have also been modified to allow for rooftop access.
Renegade is a fast-paced 3D action game set in the Command & Conquer universe. For the first time, players can experience the war between GDI and Nod up-close and personal as they fight it out on the ground, among the structures, vehicles and weapons made famous in the original C&C.
Command & Conquer Renegade also features the "Command & Conquer" multiplayer mode, where two teams of players, GDI and Nod, fight to destroy each other`s base. The aircraft will be added to arsenals that already include a variety of tanks, armed vehicles, guns, energy weapons and explosive devices.
"During Renegade`s beta test phase, the most frequent request from the testers was for us to incorporate flying vehicles," said Executive Producer Dan Cermak. "We`re thrilled to be able to finally honor their request and are working hard now on making sure the maps and units will be as balanced as possible."
The new maps will be available via a downloadable patch within a few weeks after the game`s release.
Aber es hört sich echt an!
UPDATE Dies wurde soeben, sagen wir halboffiziell, bestätigt! Namen und Zitate kann ich aber nicht nennen.
I told you you guys wouldn`t believe today`s news.
~d. (Devinoch)
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