Das Testing der Dedicated Server verlief gut, in den nächsten Tagen ("very near future") wird die Software für das Hosting von Dedicated Servern zum Download angeboten.
Über Orcas etc. (betrifft eigentlich nur Betatester - dürfte aber für alle anderen auch sehr interessant sein):
Die derzeitige Beta wird beendet, die Beta-Installationen können gelöscht werden.
Devinoch wird den Betatestern einen FTP Link zur Verfügung stellen von dem eine, ca. 100MB große neue Betaversion gezogen werden kann. Dies wird, so hofft er, in der kommenden Woche der Fall sein.
Zitat von Devinochs Posting auf dem Betaforum:
Hey everyone, I know it`s been quiet since we said we were doing some testing. Dedicated server testing went so well internally that we will be releasing the free dedicated server software in the very near future. And with that, I know everyone`s curious about the flying vehicles beta, so let me give you a brief rundown on what`s going on:
This iteration of the beta is being turned off right now. You may uninstall/delete that version. In the near future (hopefully next week some time) we will be sending you a download link to a private FTP server, where you will download a new version of the beta -- this version will be approximately 100 MB in size, and will include the flying vehicles maps (there are two, variations of City and Walls). You will also be receiving a new serial # via email, as this test will be using a different set of serial #`s. Everything will be set to point to a beta server, and it will be completely incompatible with the retail version. We`ll send email out in the near future, so keep an eye on your email box!
Thanks for taking part in this first phase of the beta and we hope you`ll all join us on the second phase! See you in the skies!
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