Westwood`s next Command & Conquer RTS game will be announced in the States later on today...
18:13 And it goes... wait for it, wait for it... by the name of Command & Conquer: Generals!
Command & Conquer: Generals will be the first C&C RTS title to be presented to us in full 3D, and this means both terrain and units. Vehicles and foot soldiers are going to be able to surge up hillsides to achieve tactical superiority, and run back down again if they`re getting their ass kicked. From what we`ve learnt, the only thing to remain in old-school 2D in Command & Conquer: Generals will be the interface. This will make management of units and buildings a very straightforward affair and keep the whole operation of the game running smoothly. Right about now, Command & Conquer fans should be getting very excited indeed.
Previous Command & Conquer RTS titles have always been 2D, with Westwood`s only experience to date with presenting the public with a true, 3D game in the genre being the mediocre Emperor: Battle For Dune. However, one would hope that through working on Emperor, Westwood has gained valuable 3D RTS development experience, and will be putting this into practice with Command & Conquer: Generals.
From what we understand, Generals will have a brand new storyline and will veer away from Tiberian Sun and Red Alert. We`ve also heard a little rumour that the title may be the first C&C RTS to come to Xbox. More news when we get it.
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