OK, hier die News. Taximes fragt auf dem offiziellen Board ob WS es nicht möglich machen könnte in die Mod-Tools das Script für die 3D Ansicht einzubauen um die Ergebnisse direkt im Editor ansehen zu können satt Renegade dafür zu starten. Devinoch antwortet darauf daß in den Mod Tools bereits eine Art "Mini-Renegade" enthalten ist mit dem sich die Models betrachten lassen:
posted April 11, 2002 17:58
Just an idea, but I think many modders would be very happy if Westwood could take the scripting they used for the EVA Character/Vehicle/Weapon veiwer in Single Player and release it as software to veiw 3D models. It`d be a lot easier than starting up the game to see if it worked
posted April 11, 2002 18:00
Actually, you can view 3D models in the editor without having to fire up the game, as the editor runs sort of a self-contained version of the game, sort of. Like I said, you`ll have to see it, but don`t worry, it should work very well.
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