posted April 16, 2002 17:02
- The new patch, which will include the air vehicles.
- The mod tools/map editor/gmax pack.
- The new version of the Free Dedicated Server.
You`ve all wanted to know when these things were coming out. You`ve been after me night and day about it. You`ve hounded me in every place possible. You`ve been driving me insane wanting information, and I`ve stonewalled you at every step, because I didn`t want to give you information that could change at any minute. Well...
...all of those things listed above will almost definitely be released within the next 48 hours or so. The Linux server is still under development and will take more time, and I have no time frame on that. Still, barring any last minute emergencies, everything that I listed in the bullets above should be available to everyone within the next 48 hours or so. Things are looking very good in the final checks and I think everyone will probably be able to start working on maps this weekend, as well as taking a few air vehicles out for a spin.
The wait is almost over. Just a little more patience. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
You may commence cheering.
Weiterführende Links:
Kommentar von ;-(Renejan;-(.
ICh kann die Hourglass MAP eh nicht leiden!
Kommentar von Blackhawker.
Kommentar von David.
Kommentar von 8-)Renejan8-).
Kommentar von Capt.Kirk.
Kommentar von Chrisser.
ENDLICH!!!!!!!!!! weg mit den blöden verbuggten flieger-mods, jetzt gehts bald mit den Richtigen los!!! Juhu!!!!:D
Kommentar von :O;-):-):D:-ORenejan8-)8-);-).
Kommentar von Blackfog9.
hegt mir nicht anders
Kommentar von Blackhawker.
Kommentar von David.