Es werden einige interessante Details bekannt. So wird es zB keine Zwischensequenzen, so wie wir sie aus den bisherigen C&C Titeln kennen, mehr geben. Stattdessen wird, bei erreichen eines wichtigen Missionszieles eine Sequenz direkt in der Game Engine gestartet:
They`re trying to tell more of the story during the missions themselves. "Players like and want story telling aspects," explains Mark, "but they don`t want to be pulled out of the game to see it and they also don`t want some gigantic monologue." Westwood`s including Matrix-like camera scripting for key triggers (what Mark calls "memorable moments") in the game. When you blow up a key objective for instance, you might be rewarded with a short cinematic that takes place in real time within the game engine.Ferner wird das Spiel 8 Spieler online ermöglichen und weniger, aber dafür bessere Modi, als in RA2 für den MP Part bieten:
We do know that the game will support up to eight players and will features less variations and game modes than Red Alert 2. The aim is to eliminate the modes that no one played anyway and offer "fewer but of a higher quality.
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