posted July 08, 2002 11:03
"Hello... I must be going. I came to say I cannot stay, I must be going... I`m glad I came, but just the same, I must be going..." -- Groucho Marx
It`s bittersweet news for everyone, I`m sure, but I am leaving my post here as Community Manager for Renegade down at Westwood and transferring within EA up to Maxis, to work as Community Manager on Sim City 4. I`ve had a blast with everyone down here at Westwood, but the truth of the matter is that I`m homesick for San Francisco. I have some very important friends up there (*waves to Erin, Greg and Lizzie*) and if there`s one thing I`ve learned in my years, it`s that you need to do whatever it takes to keep yourself happy. And I will be happiest when I`m back in the Bay area again.
My last day as Renegade Community Manager will be the 10th of July, at which point Delphi will step into the role in addition to his duties on Generals. I love Westwood and I`m always going to be looking forward to their new games as much as I`m sure all of you are, but as the song goes, my heart belongs in San Francisco. My time here has been fantastic and I wouldn`t give it up for the world. I`m sure I`ll still be swinging by the message boards to post and keep up with the happenings, and you know you`ll find me playing online every so often. Don`t think of it as a farewell, but as adieu for now.
Cliff "Devinoch" Hicks
Community Manager
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