Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know Beta Patch 1.032 has been released for testing. The changes and fixes are noted below.
Please be aware that this patch has NOT BEEN TESTED by our official QA department. There is an unlikely possibility that this beta patch will require you to reinstall Renegade if it is found to be defective. USE THIS PATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK! WESTWOOD TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT MAY HAPPEN TO YOUR MACHINE.
To help us test the patch simply click on the ftp link ftp://ftp.westwood.com/pub/renegade/updates/beta!/RENEGADE_1032_ENGLISH.EXE to download. Once the file has been downloaded to your computer double click on the patch file and it will begin updating Renegade with the new file updates. Two official beta servers have been setup (names), but you are free to set up your own game server. Just make sure you label it appropriately so players will know which servers they can play on.
Version 1.032 changes (07-09-2002)
Fixed bug causing mod data to be used when the user played a single-player game after playing a multiplayer mod game
The edit_vehicle command now only works in single-play or 1-player multiplayer games.
Er weist ausdrücklich darauf hin daß es zu Problemen kommen kann die es notwendig machen Renegade neu zu installieren wenn was schiefgeht.
Aber es hört sich schon besser an ;)
Der Patch ist aber nur für die US Version!