1. Can you confirm that the Linux FDS is still in production? I know that you probably cannot get a release date, but I`m just wondering if it`s still even on the board.Zudem meinte er, auf die Frage ob es mit dem neuen FDS (der kommen soll wenn der derzeitige Betapatch fertig ist) möglich sei die Ausgabe der Konsole in eine Textdatei umzuleiten, dies wolle er an die Entwickler weiterleiten.
Delphi - Yes, no eta though.
2. Please convey the communities wish for the new FDS (the one that will be released when the beta patch is finalized) to have an option to log the console to a file. Anyone who programs can confirm that this is only perhaps 1-2 lines of code needed for this.
Delphi - I`ll pass it along and see what the coder says.Zum Linux FDS verdichten sich übrigens die Gerüchte daß er fast fertig sein soll ;)
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