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Sven • Fri 13 im Dec, 2002[10:31 GMT]
Gestern war ja der Generals Chat von Gamespy mit Delphi und Harvard Bonin.
Planet CnC hat das Chatlog bereits online, hier ein paar Schnipsel:
Heavy_Metal_Boy: The music in the Command & Conquer games has been Metal/Rock. Will it be the same in Command & Conquer: Generals?
Harvard: nope, we`ve moved away a bit for this one toward a more symphonic sound. Each side has its own distinctive flavor since they`re from around the globe
Harvard: US sounds a bit like "The Rock", China and the GLA both have interesting strings, etc. The GLA has heavy percussion. I really like it a lot
Harvard: We felt this style would fit the game a bit more than our past tunes.
Dogbert: if you failed in a mission, will it be the end of the game?
Harvard: nope, you just restart the mission
Thyhammerr[GI]: what are the changes in the final retail version prior to the beta?
Harvard: gosh, not sure where to start
Harvard: I guess this is info folks want to know so let me see if I can get it straight
Harvard: Missions, of course
Harvard: Skirmish
Harvard: LAN
Harvard: Direct Connect
Harvard: Generals Online
Harvard: Battlehonors that can be earned in MP or in Skirmish
Harvard: All sorts of stat tracking so you know how you`re doing over the lifetime of the game
Harvard: game engine cut-scenes are fun
Harvard: The Communicator which is sort of like instant messaging in Generals Online

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Kommentar von Thomas.

von admin, Wednesday 18 im December, 2002[18:48:41 GMT]
Gibt es denn noch eine Möglichkei ein Tester für das spiel zu werden.Zähle schon die Tage bis es endlich im Handel erhälltlich ist, da ich die ersten Teile auch gezockt habe.:D
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