Das hier hat Blazer kürzlich am Renegade-Board geschrieben:
A new patch is being quickly pushed out to fix a bug that I found in Renegade, both the retail version and FDS. The bug is quite nasty and warranted an immediate fix. I will not release any details as to the bug, but only to say that any client or server can be easily and untraceably crashed. This bug, if public knowledge would all but ruin Renegade gameplay as n00bs used it to crash servers and clients of whoever they wanted, and Clan/Ladder people would use it to crash laddered servers whenever they were losing (in order to stop the ladder results from being transmitted to WOL).
AFAIK, this patch is ONLY a fix for this vulnerability. No new features or maps etc.
I think we all owe WS a showing of gratitude for fixing this problem so quickly after it was brought to their attention, and is proof that they really care about the Renegade community.
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Kommentar von Holzcop7.