Dear C&C Community,
I asked Johannes of cnc-extreme to collect some questions from the community. I?ve done the best I can to answer them and these are unedited.
01. When will Tiberian Twilight be announced?
Harvard: I?m not sure what you?re talking about. J What?s that? Seriously, if/when an announcement is made you?ll all know it.
02. Will there be indoor-missions in further games (TT maybe) again?
Harvard: Indoor missions are a possibility but usually when you?re dealing with more tactical gameplay. Currently, we prefer the huge of scope of massive armies. That?s where LOTR is headed at present. That doesn?t completely leave out indoor missions but we have no plans at this time.
03. Where is the Ladderkit that should be in Generals since the Release ?
Harvard: As with all games and development, sometimes things don?t make the cut. So far, patches, making new maps, etc. have taken priority over this one. We?ve not abandoned this but finishing patches & finishing Zero Hour force this to the back burner. I am actively working on something that might get fansite ladders into the game shortly. There will be more news when I have it.
04. Where do you take the Ideas of the Units like Microwave Tank ? Is it a Inspire from the Distruptor Tank in Tiberian Sun ?
Harvard: As with all games we take inspiration from a lot of different areas. The Magnetron was also a beam weapon. There are variants you can do and we chose to go with the Microwave in this case. The Disruptor wasn?t the inspiration but I?m sure it unconsciously influenced us. Our team did RA2, Yuri?s Revenge, Generals, Zero Hour?and now LOTR ? so we?ve got plenty of inspiration from a lot of different areas.
05. Why did EA cancel the entire support for older games of the C&C series? At least user registration and sending serials for the Renegade FDS should still be supported.
Harvard: I?m not up on the current status for the older games. I?ll look into it for you. I was the producer for RA2 so that will be a logical place for me to check.
06. Why is it so hard to listen to the european part of the community. You should have realized that we have different a diferent mentality in terms of needs and desires. We`re not `one time gamers`, playing a game until there`s something new.
Harvard: I disagree that we don?t listen to the European community. Most of the patch content and updates are direct results from the German community, in particular. I am in regular contact with Joerg and Elmar, especially. I appreciate your frustration and am sorry you feel that way.
07. Where`s Generals Patch 1.7? ZH is released and there`s still no patch for the normal game? Do you feel like it`s not needed anymore?
Harvard: Feel free to check the community update at generals.ea.com. It takes time to test a patch well. We were finishing Zero Hour and that took priority. Generals is important to us and you?ll see 1.7 before you see the 1.01 patch for ZH. Hopefully, we?ll wrap this up in the next couple weeks ? but that depends on testing.
08. What`s in your pipeline, is there anything you can tell us about TT or RA3?
Harvard: We?ve announced LOTR and that?s all I can say right now. It?s looking pretty spectacular ? but you be the judge when you see it.
09. What are your plans for your community support in the future especially for the fans in Europe?
Harvard: Fans around the world are vital for us, not just the fans in Europe. Mike, the community manager, will continue to update you as we go forward. We have Patch 1.01 coming soon for Zero Hour and 1.7 coming soon for Generals. We?ve also got some multiplayer maps that we plan to release as we go forward. Other events, etc will be set up by Mike.
10. In Zero Hour are real, not rendered videos - will you keep this in the next game(s)?
Harvard: We?ll do what we think fits the project best. FMVs are effective at telling a story but sometimes it?s more fun to show players what our engine can do. With LOTR we have the movie to work with so we?ll see. We did FMVs for Zero Hour because we felt that these got to the heart of the ?embedded reporter? angle the best.
11. What about Renegade 2? Will it be released? Or are there any plans about another shooter in the C&C universe?
Harvard: I have no info on this
12. Why doesn`t EA work together with Joseph Kucan?
Harvard: I don?t have info on this either. Our team has worked with Joe on RA2 and we?ll see what happens going forward. He?s a talented guy.
13. Is there any plan or consideration about making or releasing another C&C Game settled in the Red Alert - Universe and if so, when could it be expected?
Harvard: We?d love to revisit Red Alert sometime but currently we?re focusing on LOTR.
14. Will there be another game like RA2/YR, with fast gameplay and a lot of fun?
Harvard: Same as #13
15. Could you give us some Concept arts from Zero Hour?
Harvard: Sorry, these are internal items only.
16. why there is no Clan Support in Zero Hour, are you planing to include this support in the next C&C Game(s) or in the next Generals Addon?
Harvard: We focused on other priorities in Generals ? especially since we were building the engine. We?ll see how we approach clans going forward. I have no info on any new add on or new C&C games.
17. Are there any plans to release a C&C sequel for consoles, such as Play Station, XBox or GameCube?
Harvard: I don?t have any info on a future C&C title.
18. What engine will TT use (if TT is going to be released)
Harvard: I don?t have any info on a future C&C title.
19. Will there be any new sides/countries in the second add on of Generals?
Harvard: There?s a second add on?
20. In which game you force your power mainly? Will it still be Generals, or the development of Tiberian Twilight, or will Lord of the Rings be the first Aim?
Harvard: We are hard at work on LOTR which will be released sometime next year ? when it?s done. Also, we?re actively working on Generals and Zero Hour patches and multiplayer maps.