Zitat: The day you have been waiting for is here. RenGuard, BlackHand Studios anti-cheat software for C&C: Renegade, is available for public download. We would also like to take this time to announce that we have added v00d00 to the team as a Security Consultant. He has a huge wealth of knowledge in securing applications and his input has been extremely valuable in closing holes in the program and finishing up the Win32 SSC where a former team member left off. Please welcome v00d00 to the team! PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION! After you download and install RenGuard, LAUNCH RENEGADE LIKE YOU NORMALLY DO, whether you are GameSpy or a WOL user! RenGuard will intercept and verify you, then proceed as normal. The first time you use RenGuard, you will see a Guide that gives you a quick overview of the usage of the program. Please take a moment to understand how RenGuard works. Visit the download page to download the Client (for playing Renegade on the RenGuard network) or the SSC (Server Side Client, for hosting an FDS with RenGuard. PLEASE ONLY VISIT RENGUARD.COM TO DOWNLOAD RENGUARD. Due to the nature of this application, do not trust any other download locations unless we specifically mention them on RenGuard.com. Do NOT take the risk of infecting your PC with an unauthorized imitation! In closing, we appreciate your patience in this long process. RenGuard is not done by any means... we do plan on upgrading and improving the software as time passes. We have established a support channel on the n00bstories IRC network. Connect to irc.n00bstories.com, channel #renguard_support. We are in that channel to answer any questions you might have. If you do not have an IRC client, visit n00bstories IRC and select the RenGuard_Support channel to be connected instantly via the Java Applet. Thanks again for your patience, and we hope you enjoy playing cheat-free with RenGuard! - Crimson |
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